Newsflashes are here


New look and a new section. Newsflashes. To give you real time matrix background and context while matrix events develop, while we don’t have the urge to write a two page essay on it anymore.

Just as predicted just 4 days too early, we are arriving in the Europe financial meltdown. Starting with weaker economies in the East, this storm is swiftly going West. The window on a possible catalyzing event (could be a terrorist attack, or whatever bogus stuff PTB is capable of doing to cause fear) is closing in Europe. Reports just hit our desk about HPH’s Obama-test prediction window is wide open.

So what’s this ‘test’ business all about?  Well, that is open to speculation.  One line of language hints goes to the idea that it will have some military component to it and that at some point here shortly, Obama will have a chance to ‘win a battle, lose a war’ or he could ‘lose a battle, win the war”.  But, on the other side, that could be simply metaphorical as the economy seems to be in the midst of imploding.

It seems to be calm in Iraq for now, as the votes wont be counted for some other weeks. To be continued…

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