Goodbye Webbot (II)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009 @ 17:26


Follow up to Goodbye Webbot.

Never before I received so much hate energy in a such a short time span. Opening the mailbox today explained why I got the feeling two kids were afraid of the fire after they played with matches: Read the rest of this entry »

Goodbye Webbot

Sunday, July 26, 2009 @ 12:00


No, it is not that we got in a word fight with George or Cliff. Nor is it the contents of their last “The shape of things to come” report. It is more likely us. Or maybe them. This comes from another blogger:

The person behind the project is hidden and not disclosed his identity. Most of the sections of the website are taken down. The payments are taken using Paypal probably to maintain anonymity. There is no name of the company on the website. I wonder why they want to hide all this information.

Yes, they are accurate in their predictions, they are bright, they have humor, but they are American. So, sorry-in-advance to George and Cliff for what’s about to come in the next paragraph. Read the rest of this entry »

Welcome the New World Currency

Saturday, July 11, 2009 @ 13:30


Unity in Diversity. Hey! That’s exactly what we are building our colony about. This coin was minted here in Belgium. Still think this is a nothing-to-worry-about-little-country? Read the rest of this entry »

60,000,000 Swine Flu deaths by year’s end?

Monday, June 15, 2009 @ 10:00


In our matrix monitoring center here in Belgium, data from WHO enters our statistics engine on a regular bias. Although the update frequency of WHO’s Swine Flu data decreases, the image is getting sharper. Important: for new visitors, this is not a MainStream Media Fear Mongering Outlet: all data and predictions in this article can be reproduced by anyone. Read the rest of this entry »

Party time over?

Monday, April 27, 2009 @ 12:58


So, we progressed almost one third into 2009, and look what’s happening. Don’t come here for the news you already know. It just looks like every new shockwave from MSM is a nervous attempt to keep people in line, and ons reason more to schedule our escape earlier and earlier. Just like the ‘massive protests’ in London at the G20 summit, there are some odd bits to be found in this well-spun story as well. Read the rest of this entry »

Go back to sleep!

Friday, April 10, 2009 @ 12:00

No, just like our disclaimer says, we do not necesarily endorse external stuff, but – you know – these guys have some stuff wrong, but the basic concept… they’ve gotten it always right so far. So maybe this is just a good video to go back to sleep – or not.

Read the rest of this entry »

… a New World Resistance is emerging as well …

Saturday, April 4, 2009 @ 20:00

Just as expected way back in January, we are dead-on our own schedule and that of No more comments needed. This was France/Greece/Iceland today:

Read the rest of this entry »

Welcome to the New World Order

Thursday, April 2, 2009 @ 22:48

(history is written – erm spoken at 9:20) Read the rest of this entry »

How to go from G6 in 1975 to New World Order in 33 years

Thursday, April 2, 2009 @ 01:00


Yes, the world refuses to stand still. First let’s scroll over what you’ve been missing in main stream media the last weeks. Don’t expect me to write poetry around it, the links are poetry on their own. This our own homemade blend of somewhat amusing ‘news’ between March 11th, 2009 and April 1st, 2009: Read the rest of this entry »

Summer of Hell 2009 starts in April

Sunday, March 29, 2009 @ 13:39


Am I the only one who sees this all as a perfectly directed Hollywood movie? 35,000 matricians marched through the streets of Londen yesterday. Put the People first. Strange. There is not much chit-chat about we hate the government-like people, there is no apparent reason. It’s first time for me to see Police pumping up the numbers of a protest like this. Majority of the chit-chat says lower numbers – I mean waaaaay lower. Ain’t that strange? Yet it is all over the MSM. It’s like: please go protest, knock some policeguys dead and set a bank on fire and return home. Why is this so promoted? So the financial crisis was suddenly set in motion September 11th, 2008, and even the counter-reaction is now manufactured on March 28, 2009. Great. Because people don’t care. People don’t believe they can change anything. I’m talking about the massive masses. If these people get out on the street, they won’t patiently wait untill PTB organises a G20 circus, they won’t ask permission the the Major of London, and they sure as hell, wont be organized in Non-Governmentals, Unions and Charity organisations. Come on. Read the rest of this entry »

The 2012 cronicles arrived in Western Europe

Wednesday, March 25, 2009 @ 12:00


People somehow involved in the recent violence in Western Europe shouldn’t read this article as it might offend their feelings.

2009 has been a tough ride for this society so far. We had the guy above murder 2 babies and 1 supervisor some weeks ago in Dendermonde, Belgium. We had a psychiatric patient stabbing 3 police men in Ghent, Belgium last week. Little before we had some school drama killing 15 pupils in a school in Winnenden, Germany, and now reports hit our desks about a new psycho in Liege, Belgium (again). The latter stabbed 4 random people in a bar. Agreed, this happens once in a while, but after 3,5 months, it is almost safe to say there is a new trend emerging. Read the rest of this entry »

Brussels starts smelling like riots

Wednesday, March 18, 2009 @ 12:00


Reports came in that more and more violence is happening during football games in Belgium. This is the first place where people can ventilate their anger. It is the most legitimate place to do it. Referees and players were attacked during the game. No eyeballing for me when reports start pouring in that police needs a record time for solving pub issues with violence. 17 our of 25 banks voted that 20,000 customers of the Kaupthing Bank can’t access their savings for another undefined period. These are the settings – the pre-sequences in our terminology – for something bigger. Expect reports like these to pour in more frequently between now and the summer. Having a quite good knowledge of the Brussels Police Department, I’m not that confident that the police will be able tho handle the first sudden wave of – for them – pretty unexpected civil unrest. Read the rest of this entry »

About that Summer of Hell 2009 and World War III due September 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009 @ 00:05


In fact this is just a newsflash of one week intense dot connecting. Please note we only used official websites for this dot connecting game – using other sources would eliminate all that is left of our credibility towards our own friends and families. Interesting to see was that some news was already circulating since December 2008 in the darkest corners of the internet, and yet 3 (three) months later it is mentioned in the alternative circuit. Let alone you will ever see it on MSM (MainStreamMedia).

As you could read way back in January (time flies no?) in Our 2009 Predictions, we are completing a very nice PTB (PowersThatBe) scenario that is not at all influenced by a financial crisis, building worldwide military tensions, deflation or civil unrest and has been planned when you were still a sperm cell. You decide what predictions already came true, but don’t just believe net’s news wires, but take a closer look at your own life. Read the rest of this entry »

Speeding up the magic plan

Tuesday, February 24, 2009 @ 00:14


If we can predict it, it must be artificial. Since Obama has been in office, there hasn’t been one day the White House didn’t send out a daily sugar dose tho the diabetic suffering financial street of the States. Since the European financial people know shit about the rest of the magic plan, the investors and speculators mostly wait till 3P.M. to see what the Dow will do. So today Europe jump starts with 2% up, until 3 o’clock (GMT+1), when the Dow did what we told you last week it would do. -250 points on one day, making Europe loose the +2% jump start in just under one hour. (Note that C (Citigroup) was Obama’s sugar dose today – imagine the crash if he hadn’t done this). However, doompots can still leave their champagne in the fridge, as days like these wont become everyday procedure. If the Dow would continue like this, it would be on 0 points in 28 days. So what’s the magic plan? Stockmarkets will keep bouncing, while the downward paradigm will keep for some more time now.

Apply Gordon Brown’s ‘Global solutions for global problems‘ to the classic ‘Problem-Reaction-Solution’ paradigm: it’s still missing the Global Reaction. This Global reaction can be found in the Summer of Hell. This Summer of Hell 2009 wont be – unlike some believe – a USA-only matter. 

Read the rest of this entry »


Thursday, February 12, 2009 @ 01:26

What can happen in two days? USA delaying their stimulus bill to make sure Israel gets a quiet voting day. Right wing and extreme right puppets on strings fight to have access to the red nuke button. Here in Belgium, the stockholders of Fortis Holding came up with some 5000+ people to vote contra the sell-out of Belgium’s biggest bank to the French BNP Paribas. Meanwhile, the stock markets don’t show any valuable information on the real world anymore. Many people became unemployed last week and this week. This kinda proves to me that most jobs are just to keep you busy, make you feel useful. Just catch this: 

Automation all the way. One machine takes over the the work of many people. Every month new and better automation comes into play. Every day more and more people start begging for a job. Still we keep shouting ‘more work’? Simple logic though… Still nothing to worry about, as long as my life is fine.

So what else. Australia pops up. Little bit of a coastal event there. Floods and wildfires. Emotional people on the TV screen, hiding the fact that this is all very very odd. The UK seems to become a little bit of Iceland both in a symbolic and damn white reality way. And France and Spain seems to have some wind velocity issues, still nothing that confirms a Global Coastal Event. How severe they might seem, they are probably only pre-sequences to Read the rest of this entry »

… the storm

Monday, February 2, 2009 @ 17:10

As the folks of HalfPastHuman and ourselves expected a ‘ship landing’ Obama test in the two first weeks of his presidency, we have to admit they and we were wrong. HalfPastHuman’s twin quake was another prediction that didn’t surface. That’s two in a row. Not that reliable it seems. Being an IT engineer myself, I somewhat have a premature explanation for these mistakes. The linguistic models need to be adjusted quite rapidly. This is an important factor for the correctness of the predictions they make. Their system is quite complex and needs to evolve at the same pace of the linguistic transformation every day. Their calculation power and manpower are limited, while the net keeps growing every day, and so does the language that is being used. Though this last point is probably not an issue, it is worth noting that the linguistic process might be speeding up, just like all other stuff in the matrix, and they can’t keep up with it. Bottom line: i think – no matter how complex and how fine-tuned their technology is – they can at best predict large events in a quite wide timeframe. I think it is likely they will increasingly fail at predicting the small/detailed stuff, though they are definitely right about the upcoming summer of hell.

My name is Change. Climate Change.
And that summer of hell begins with a hell of a winter. Read the rest of this entry »

Silence before …

Wednesday, January 21, 2009 @ 14:30

Looks like the new boss of the world has arrived. Change. Hope. I think the biggest problem he got, is that he will bring change. The inauguration looked a lot like the scenes in the Rise of Evil. In fact, he is nothing less. This autocue-puppet-puppet-on-a-string will ‘lead’ us into the outcome of the financial meltdown, the age in which we are at the brink of a world war, merge some countries together in bigger continental/global government structures, and finally sell an explanation for the more and more strange nature disasters, while not talking about 2012.
Change. You bet it will be change. On his inauguration day the DOW Jones alone lost 4%. Some banks in Europe are doing very ‘organized’ and steep declines, making it possible for the governments to attract even more banks (thus power) towards them. A historical event? Remember what happened with the stocks, the days leading up to 9/11. Russian dictator Poetin, sent out a friendly warning, while the biggest Russian newspaper is preparing the Russians for the upcoming World War they sure look like they mean it. Meanwhile, Israel wasn’t too shy to admit they pulled back their troops just in time for Obama. Here in Europe we have Germany, France and the UK shouting for ‘something like a New World Order’. Hell even our own Former Prime Minister Verhofstadt, calls for it… Why? According to Gordon Brown because we might face ‘de-globalization’. Gee, more coincidences, much more visible in the mass media, but still less and less to worry about.
Let’s wait and see how much inside information Joe Biden and Colin Powell got when they made their slip of the tongue about Obama’s first test.
According to HPH modelspace, we’re due to expect a ‘global tsunami’ somewhere in February and a the combination of the Greatest Depression with the revival of the May 68 peace-love-and-flowers movement. This stuff should eventually make some kind of a roller-coaster trip during Read the rest of this entry »

Our 2009 predictions

Tuesday, January 13, 2009 @ 12:11

(How many red pills one should take if one ever took a blue one, since both pills are placebos?)


We strongly discourage everyone to use these predictions. Massive intelligent use of these predictions would run these predictions obsolete. And last but not least: this is for entertainment purposes only. Many people truly believe in the matrix (though they know it is an illusion). To those: click away now. And for the freethinkers: these predictions, whether they come true or not, won’t make us more trustful, this is not an exact science. The only reason why we make predictions is to test out our discovered patterns; we applied new data to them and we’ll see in a few months if they match with reality. Our methods are described in our first Intermission report.

This said…
Our own predictions. We ranked them in order of probability. Read the rest of this entry »

Coming up this Tuesday: Obama-Bush teams to stage ‘disaster’ exercise

Sunday, January 11, 2009 @ 03:16

(Another staged exercise went awfully wrong some years ago)

Well, this kinda fits the constant chit-chat in the matrix about a big event coming up and to give even more support to ‘the solution’ from your last homework. It also fits with the rumored January 20-21 ‘big event’.

WASHINGTON (AFP) – The outgoing White House administration will next week hold a joint “disaster scenario” exercise with top members of the incoming team of president-elect Barack Obama, US officials said Friday.
“I’m not going to go into the details of it, but it is a disaster scenario where the government would be very much tested,” White House spokesman Scott Stanzel said.
“It is an exercise scenario, a hypothetical scenario that is designed to test and tax the capabilities of the federal government,” he added.
He did not specify whether Obama or vice president-elect Joe Biden would take part in Tuesday’s three-hour long exercise, saying merely it was part of regular training events and had not been motivated by any specific threat.
A huge security blanket is being thrown over Washington for Obama’s inauguration on January 20, with up to two million people planning to converge on the US capital to witness the nation’s first African-American president being sworn into office.
“It is a very public event … and one that gathers, you know, leaders in a very small environment, essentially. So obviously we have a lot of concern about it,” Stanzel said.
“But there is no credible threat at this point to the inauguration that is precipitating this.”

(Complete article here)
So: nothing to worry about. Cool, let’s see what else is on the tele tonight.

Further scientific indications for 2012 troubles

Friday, January 9, 2009 @ 22:05

National Academy for Science in the US of A not only gave us a nice presequence of what’s boiling up in Iran & the Middle East, they released some not-to-be-distrubuted-in-prime-time report to backup NASA in their warning for the effects of solar winds in 2012. Although we don’t have it from the official source, these two sources (here and here) don’t seem to contradict each other.

Story highlight:

Stormy past 

Solar storms have had significant effects in modern time:

• In 1989, the sun unleashed a tempest that knocked out power to all of Quebec, Canada.
• A remarkable 2003 rampage included 10 major solar flares over a two-week period, knocking out two Earth-orbiting satellites and crippling an instrument aboard a Mars orbiter.

“Obviously, the sun is Earth’s life blood,” said Richard Fisher, director of the Heliophysics division at NASA. “To mitigate possible public safety issues, it is vital that we better understand extreme space weather events caused by the sun’s activity.”

2009 took a quite serious jump start, yet it is still a warm-up for the upcoming. Coming up is our own man-made prediction report for the year of transformation.


Look for the problem and the reaction if this and this is the solution.

Belgium: status overview

Friday, December 19, 2008 @ 00:00

While we are waiting for the delayed twin quakes, the rest of the world waits for the foreclosure of GM and Chrysler, here in Belgium the sell out of our biggest bank is causing a deathly effect on the political environment. (cfr the predictions from some posts ago). As the rest of the world is reading this too, a little inside information first.

The King Albert II only fulfills a protocol function. He has no real power, unless the government resigns. Then still his only power is to appoint someone to form a new government or to give military orders in case no government is present in a war situation. Anyway, the guy is 74 years old, so let’s give him a break.

Only June last year Yves Leterme got elected Prime Minister of Belgium. Because politicians are now building up tension between us (the Dutch speaking Northern part) and our Southern neighbours (the Frenchspeaking folks) for more than two decades we have no less then 5 governments each with ministers, chief of staff, and the whole crap. This country therefore spends more taxpayers money feeding poor empty-stomach politicians than anywhere else in the world. This results in more political labour going in to the daily discussion of who is responsible for what stuff. Go figure. Read the rest of this entry »


Tuesday, December 9, 2008 @ 13:32

As chaos is entering the matrix, we appear to have entered the boiling stage. Imagine us sitting here, looking at a green screen with countless rows of dropping ones and zeros. As I stated earlier: with thorough research and an aimed focus, it is not that difficult to see where the world is going. Last year we had days of civil unrest in the suburbs of Paris, this year we have Athens in Greece, Bangkok in Thailand, Iceland, The Philippines, … . Unrest is soon coming to a large city near you. History already proved these kind of things travel at the speed of sound. But yes, let this all be a coincidence. Even here, we were somewhat surprised by this:

Why would Columbia Pictures want to do this? Such a clear message in a sci-fi movie? One can wonder how this fits in to place. The information confusion is clearly being intensified. You soon wont have any clue of what is true and what is not. Hollywood, with clear connections with secret societies, is taking a quite important role in putting up the smoke screen. Many of the secret societies, the NAZI’s other powerful instruments have proven ties to Ancient Egyptian Mythology. Keanu Reeves is even brought into play this December 12th:

Well, again not to worry: the disturbance in the force is increasing. This weekend the twin quakes are to be expected according to the HalfPastHuman ModelSpace. If they fall in the range of the FEMA report, I’m seriously going to consider these twin quakes to be man made. Proof? No. Never proof. The only proof one can get is from being interested in as much different disciplines as possible, and noticing the same patterns everywhere. And still… what does the word proof means? It has the same dirty taste as ‘truth’. Evidence is the only thing, but, as stated before, evidence is the result of a past action. Proof, nowadays is what the United World Media choose to make us believe, by spinning story after story, only to say 5 years later it wasn’t proof at all… At the bottom line, you will find the verb: to control.
I wondered why the internet is still online and ‘believed to be free’. It isn’t. It is control, from the very beginning. Mobile phones are nothing about being able to be disturbed whenever you don’t want to be disturbed. They are the closest powered chip they can put near you, and again, they make it easy to make a worldwide grid of people connections, because everyone you love is in that powered chip. Facebook, Google and even the free use of this blog are all linked to your identity. If some nerds at HalfPastHuman can do what they do, what can a trillion dollar blackbudget do, one might wonder?
Money is only needed to control a corrupt world. If the leaders were honest people, we wouldn’t need money. The same goes for the case where we wouldn’t have any leaders.

On the prepping side, we found a natural anti-conception. We also switched from the idea of one hotspot, to start studying several spots. We are still not sure whether we will leave because of the political situation or because of the pending nature events. The odds are still that history was forged by them, and thus the whole 2012 stuff might eventually happen, though it might be a more man-made version of the ancient prophecies. We’ll keep you posted.

By the way: everyone is tired, you notice? Low level energy in all humans, even my own cats are super lazy. Energy that is taken from us, in order for the coming earthquakes? We’ll see..

Note: reorganized this blog a bit into Media and Library links on the left, and added an ‘Interested?’ section below.

False Flag Terrorism

Tuesday, November 25, 2008 @ 13:05

This stuff came by DVD to two Belgian (dutch speaking) TV stations yesterday. Inspectors believe this to be a true, genuine treat. Although there is no way of knowing for a 100%, but this has every sign of being a pre-sequence for a future staged terrorist attack. First of all, the video is quite unbelievable. It is in perfect Dutch, it is quite well mastered, thus very good audio/video quality. The text in the song is different from the Dutch subtitles. Their faces are not visible. Most of the time, one should at least see their eyes, like in their other videos. The guys are white folks, not the darker skin colour.

So whether this video is a fake made for a joke by some amateurs, or made by our own intelligence forces, the result is the same. It wouldn’t be all-over-the-news, if it isn’t meant to serve as a pre-sequence.

This video also perfectly fits in the time-window. Last year, the ‘terror-treat’-level was suddenly elevated for a stupid reason around Christmas.

This also fits into the larger Matrix, as some trouble on various (political and financial) issues is due around beginning next year. An attack would offer the required distraction to unite the (very) divided country through this crisis, that is very likely to get much worse than it is now. For – as far as I’m concerned – Belgium had a fairly small share in the worldwide trouble, compared to neighboring countries like France or Germany.

So, I promised you predictions: I predict there is a staged terrorist attack pending on Europe’s capital, Brussels this winter. It can happen as early as December 15th, and probably before April 15th 2009. The very sure thing is there is going to be a near-martial-law again in Brussels around the end of December.

Please note that making a weather forecast is by far easier, and that by no chance, anyone is going to believe us, if the prediction comes true, because this is all just a coincident.

Can you feel the pain?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008 @ 19:42

The pain of the crisis is now having direct results. I see people around me, losing money, jobs. Someone told me today her husband now only has to work 2 days in a week until further notice.

The other pain we feel is the amount of thinking we are going through. It takes a lot of time. It took two years of time for me to study the whole 9/11 subject. You know from those people shouting “9/11 was an inside job”. Well, now I have to study ancient history, space history, financial movements, political movements among religion, science and the difference between God and god in slightly less time.

We try to be as well informed as we can before we leave. We wont get a complete view before we leave, even less a detailed view. I use the simple rule: if some few at the top rule this kindergarten, then some few at the bottom with a clear focus, should be able to see and predict their moves. Someone called me a pataphysicist. Basically means: everything is a coincidence, stop looking for evidence.

I also managed to find out why people don’t believe any of what we are saying: They are kept in the dark. They like it that way, they are now used to it. They found a certain amount of luck in this situation. After all, it took them years to finally reach that point. Being lucky is a precious thing, and – just as we always vote for those who promise to preserve our material luck – the mind will routinely reject theories or even scientific facts in order to protect this achieved state of mind.
Don’t get me wrong: I’m happy, lucky, and I totally understand these people. This is why this crisis is the kind of thing we need now. I’m hoping people will start to question their state of mind. Since the paradigm around us is rapidly changing, we might eventually get some kind of a revolution. There’s only one thing to monitor: the devaluation of the world around those people must go quickly, in order to have the shock effect. It needs to be drastic too, to keep them from hoping things will ever be the same again. There you go, yet another prediction we will have to take account for, somewhere around the transition into the next decade.

Homework for today: download this and read it (regardless if you’re with us or with the terrorists)

2009: A summer of Hell

Wednesday, November 5, 2008 @ 16:15

[This article is outdated, see the new article] Read the rest of this entry »

Keeping an eye on the US elections

Sunday, November 2, 2008 @ 21:51

Not that I personally believe in the ‘race to the white house’, it’s just that the amount of visible corruption gives me a good idea on how corrupt the world will become the next 8 years. The policies and the plan are ready to be executed, only the flavour in which they will be presented needs to be decided this Tuesday.

But with stolen elections in 2000 and 2004, and with the enormous turnout expected, I think it is a good idea to watch this site. Remarkably: reports of election fraud are already leaking in:

As for our plan, we are making enormous progress in both Digging and Prepping. If you like more info or which to join us, just leave a comment. We prefer people from Belgium. Here are once more the requirements:
– age between 20 and 40, preferably couples
– no kids or pets
– good mental and physical health
– intelligent and specific useful knowledge (see previous posts)
– fluently French or Spanish and English (the more languages the better)
– be ready to leave home, car, work, money, family and friends in the next 1 or 2 years
– no turning back option (we are there without any communication to the outside world and no money or any ‘material luxury’)
– cost: nothing, just courage and a conscious decision

Stay focused in this hyper dimensional world!